
LHA works to achieve its mission with a kind support of the following partners. Very big thanks for their support.

Park Hyatt Siem Reap & LHA Sewing School since 2006 this has been funded by the Park Hyatt Siem Reap Hotel, a socially conscious luxury hotel in Siem Reap.

Sustainable Community Project (SCP), formerly Food for Education is made possible through the assistance of the Australian NGO Rice for Cambodia (RFC).

Program Advancing Girls’ Education is sponsored by Dr. Christopher A.Bartlett.

Other Partners

Omprakash Foundation is helping to recruit new volunteers through their website, and to collect cash donations.

Give2Asia helps to collect cash donations.

EGBOK Mission has taught a free course on English and Hospitality Management at PAGE.

Gocompaign has sponsored an agricultural garden at Children’s Development Village and also built a new school in Sam Raung village. 2011 – 2012, Go sponsores two more school buildings and new PAGE’s property including land and new houses for PAGE’s girls.

For more information on how you can help please visit our How You Can Help page.
